Category Archives: Price Guide

What is SEO and what to do with it?

SEO Services in Berkshire

Search engine optimisation, or SEO for short, became an absolute must recently when it comes to being visible on the internet. Millions of companies, from small family run businesses to corporations reach millions of new customers each day this way. Let’s have a look at how it works and what’s it all about!

What is SEO and how it works?
SEO London is basically optimising your website using various on site and off site methods, to reach high rankings in Google. The more competitive your market, the more work and time will SEO require to perform, ranging from few weeks to months.

Though it might seem expensive to some, the Return of Investment, or ROI for short, is tremendous. Once your website is SEO optimised, thousands to millions of new visitors will visit your website each day, and that’s for no extra cost for advertising!

SEO vs PPC Advertising
A lot of people complain about pricing when it comes to SEO Berkshire, and compare it to Pay Per Click advertising solutions such as Google AdWords, where you can control exactly how much you spend every day, set limits etc. And while PPC is a great way for new websites to start advertising, eventually you will reach a point where you will have paid more for clicks than you would for the actual SEO, and will be still left with nothing except the ability to keep paying more and more for clicks each day and month.

With SEO, you pay the costs of the campaign, and once it’s done you reach the first page of Google permanently, where millions of people can see you and visit your website.